Phone: (503) 368-7309 | Email:
Upcoming Meetings
Board Meetings held on the second Tuesday of each month at 3:00 PM via zoom or in the District Office located at 9155 Nehalem Road in Neahkahnie. Please email to request a zoom invite.
Next Meeting:
Update your Contact Information
Please add or update your email address and phone number so we can contact you in case of emergency, notify you of upcoming meetings or events, and go paperless if you choose.
Contact Us
9155 Nehalem Road
Nehalem, OR 97131
(503) 368-7309
Or by appointment
Water Emergency Contact Procedure
If you have a water pressure problem/emergency call the office number (503) 368-7309 and if no one answers, be sure to leave a message as the line might be in use when you call and will kick you over to messaging. If you don’t reach anyone at the office, then call (206) 919-4291 and if no answer, also leave a message. You can also come to the office, 9155 Nehalem Rd. during regular hours, or by appointment.
Funding for this website was from a forgivable loan provided by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) through the Sustainable Infrastructure Planning Projects program. Work under this contract is funded by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund through the Oregon Business Development Department and a partnership of local funds.